Home Scalp Remedy That Could Cure Dry and Itchy Scalp

Is your scalp itchy this time of year? Are you looking for a natural way to take care of it? I have the trick for you and let me say this:  It is NOT coconut oil!!!  I do love coconut oil btw, please do not cancel me for hating on coconut oil.

This time of year, when it is cold outside less blood flow causes our scalp to tighten. This can cause dry scalp. If you do not brush your scalp regularly and vigorously, that scalp that would typically brush off stays on. If one adds oil to that it may stick the dry scalp on which can lead to issues for your otherwise healthy scalp.

For you who are blessed with the thickest amounts of hair who love to go to the blow bar once a week and use dry shampoo for a few days hear this: If you are not (at the least) massaging your scalp in between or brushing it, your dry scalp that would otherwise be decorticated is still there.  Adding such things as dry shampoo or oils to that will allow that dry scalp to stick to your head which could cause issues that may include a waxy like dandruff, an unpleasant scent or worst-case scenario hair loss.

Here is my tip for taking care of your scalp during these cold months: 

On the day that you will be washing your hair, start by brushing vigorously. We do not always consider that our scalp requires the brushing, but it does. We all produce a natural oil called sebum which can help strengthen and shine our hair when brushed through. Use this natural oil by brushing from the scalp down the hair shaft.

Once you have vigorously brushed the hair, the seborrheic dermatitis (or dandruff flakes) is ready to be absolved from the scalp. One of the best home remedies I like to suggest is vinegar. The acidic nature of vinegar can break down the flakes of dry skin on your scalp. You may already know that vinegar also kills bacteria. For easy distribution, I would suggest putting ample amount of vinegar into a spray bottle and fully saturate the scalp area. You may put a turban towel or tie the hair up to contain it while the vinegar is accomplishing the task at hand. After about 15 minutes you may wash and condition your hair as normal. You will notice a fresh and clean scalp afterwards. For maintenance, continue to brush and massage your scalp and hair regularly. Always use a shampoo and conditioner recommended by your Professional Hairstylist. I recommend my Beauty Culture Queen by Cynthia Citrus Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner for optimum results!